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Wildlife Removal Services Houston

Animal Removal Thorton

Master Services removes wildlife from multiple different cities, including Dallas, Houston, Fort Worth, and Denver. We have been removing wildlife in Houston for over 20 years. If you’re looking for a business with animal removal experience, you have the right company! No wildlife removal process will be started if animal activity is still going on the property.

Call 713-723-4854 to schedule a wildlife removal in the Houston, Texas area. Sorry no dogs or cats.

Our company specializes in handling wildlife issues in houses and repairing the damage done by the pesky critters. If you notice wildlife in your attic, chimney, porch, soffit, yard, garage, house siding, or under your house foundation, it’s time to call Master Services.

Houston wildlife removal is what we are going to focus on. Masters Services (713-723-4854) offers same day Houston wildlife removal. Raccoons and squirrels are having their litters and finding Houston attics an easy place to give birth. Our Houston office has ordered additional supplies to keep up with the demand, One Way squirrel traps and raccoon traps.

One way traps for Houston wildlife removal is the safest way to capture animals in a timely manner.

We have received an increase this year in bat calls in apartment complexes. Last year we only estimated three commercial buildings that were infested with bats, this year we have already estimated over 30 buildings. The wildlife removal Houston TX is a booming and Masters Services is ready!

Why would I call for a Houston wildlife removal?

Do you hear noises in the wall or attic?
Did you see a raccoon in your back yard?
Is your yard all dug up?
Is there a squirrel running on your roof?
Is something living under your bbq grill?
Have you seen a snake in your yard?
Do you see your house siding getting a greasy look in a small high area?
Do you hear something in the chimney?

All great reasons to call Masters Services to come out and do a free estimate. Let’s dive into the above questions and see what might be your exact nuisance wildlife issue.

Do you hear noises in the wall or attic? Did you see a raccoon in your yard? Is there a squirrel running on your roof?

Scratching, foot step sounds, rustling noises, and possible a loud thud are all very good indicators you have either rats or a raccoon in the attic.

Raccoon are a very smart animal. They have over the years become wise to easy access points to gain entrance into attics. They have learned to tear up roof shingles. Raccoon have recognized house siding in need of repair is an easy place to enter a house. Eaves and soffit vents have become a favorite spot to enter as well.

Rats are magicians when it comes to getting into attics. If a rat can get its skull trough a hole then it can squeeze through that spot with ease. Unbelievable they can get into a half inch hole!

Squirrels! Squirrels are actually dangerous to have in attics. The damage and fire hazard potential is high with squirrels in the attic.

Raccoon and Squirrels are very active in the spring to find a nesting spot to give birth. After the birth then the attic becomes a safe space to raise the babies until fall. So you start with one animal and then up to 8 more!

Houston Wildlife removal MS

Since you’ve gotten this far into the article lets talk about what we can do for you.
Masters Services will come out and inspect the attic. We will be looking for droppings to identify the nuisance wildlife. We are looking for tunneling in the attic insulation, attic highways. We will be looking to see if anything is chewed upon like wires.
Of course you can do a pre-inspection before calling us to inform us on what you see. Be very cautious! Mama raccoons are over protective and will attack upon sight. I now, I’ve been charges by a mama raccoon many times!
There are different methods of removal depending on the nuisance animal. Trapping or scent control.

All three common attic nuisances can be trapped but the raccoon we have a very good scent deterrent. When strategically placing the scent in the attic we can typically get the raccoon to leave within 24 hours.

If traps are set we will come back every three days unless you inform us there is an animal in the trap. We come as soon as possible to relocate the wildlife far enough away to not return.

If you have rats we will estimate the cost of sealing the rats entries up and then placing rat traps in the attic. Once the house is sealed the rats have to eat, traps are there only source of food. This process is typically a week long.

Squirrels are the invader in your attic we place what’s called a one way trap on the main entry point. This trap allows for the squirrel to leave but not come back in. This way of getting the squirrels out is the most effective accepted method of squirrel removal. It’s humane, no harm, and they stay in environment they grew up. This is important to the future health of the squirrel population.Of course Masters Services will seal up the house to prevent any future squirrel attempt.

Once theses wildlife critters are now evicted from our attic we will have given you an estimate to clean up the feces and urine soaked insulation in our initial estimate. We may need to just do a minor clean up. It is possible we need to completely remove all the insulation and then clean up the excrement. Once all cleaned up the new insulation can be installed.

Do not wait to hire a nuisance wildlife company

Masters Services has over 20 years of solving Houston wildlife removal issues. Call 713-723-4854 to schedule your free estimate. Do not wait because the critters are causing more damage every time they relieve themselves all over your attic. Yes its a scarce tactic to call you because it’s TRUE. When you have to go, I guess you have to go… right?

I have witnessed a homeowner take their time on just getting estimates. We were there on Tuesday to estimate and after all the estimates came in we were hired on Friday. Upon showing up the estimate doubled! On Tuesday the raccoon had just shown up the night before or at least with a few days. Not much damage. By Friday a male raccoon had come in and killed her pups and they fought to the death! It created a mess and ceiling damage that was not there on Tuesday.

Dead animal removal is more expensive when there is blood. Bio hazard caution needs to be taken to remove all the blood and tissue. Get all your estimate in 24 hours and hire the best Houston wildlife removal company you feel will do the best job. Masters Services starts and does not stop until the job is completed.

Do you hear noises coming from the chimney?

Raccoons, birds, and squirrels often get into chimneys. Masters Services will remove and build a wildlife enforced chimney cap. If you do not live in Houston or Dallas you can order a from us on our National website

Do you see your house siding getting a greasy look in a small high area?

If you are noticing drip like grease stains high up on the side of your house you have bats. A bat colony has moved into the attic or into the open space under the siding. Please call us immediately, 713-723-4854.

Bat “removal” services is done differently than than how we remove any other typical animal from properties. Bats have special, federal protection due to their endangerment and vulnerable. We don’t actually remove them, instead we take a non-harmful approach to removing a bat family.

Bats have a Federal Gestational Protection time period. What that means if call after the Federal Government declares no removal of bats you have to live with them until the Federal Government takes off the order. Typically this is between May and September. We can still come in those months and contains the bats to limit the damage. If you do nothing you may need to move out.

We will come and do a free estimate and start the same day or the next. Sealing up the exterior of the home is crucial. We leave the main entry point where the bats are free to come and go in only one spot. Once the pups are born they as well are contained. So you start out with 20 bats and end up with 50, however the bats are only there to give birth to their litter.

Wildlife Removal Dallas

Once the bat finishes giving birth to their pups, they will move out of the space altogether. During the process of waiting for the bat litter, we make it almost impossible for the bats to go anywhere else on or in the home. This method is the safest way to remove bats from an attic and the absolute only legal way.

You may think that letting the bats continue to have their children there is a bad idea. Leaving the bats alone, ensures no state or federal laws are broken and that the animals are not harmed. start out with 20 bats and end up with 50 however we make it almost impossible to go anywhere else on or in the home. Making sure the entry point is closed up after the last bat has left the home is vital to ensuring no wildlife can enter back into the home.

After all bats are removed, the area is sprayed to disinfect the area. The scat that’s left behind from bats is actually dangerous to breath in for human lungs. Leaving behind the feces and decayed matter from bats can potentially be harmful for your health. Our company protects your home from harmful, bacterial waste and further issues with other invasive animals, such as, raccoons and squirrels.

How does mesh screening prevent Houston wildlife removal?

We make our masonry chimney caps with mesh screening to ensure no wildlife can enter into the chimney while allowing enough area for smoke to be able to safely escape the chimney flue. Another reason the mesh screening is used on our #1 and #2 style caps is to keep out any debris from outside including leaves, rocks, excess amounts of dirt, etc. During storms leaves can blow into an unprotected chimney causing the leaves to act as a code violation, due to their flammable capabilities.

Our #1 chimney cap has earned it’s name for all the right reasons. It was carefully thought out and designed so that rain and animals can’t enter from any part of the chimney cap. The mesh screening prevents wildlife from squeezing their way into your home.

Get a #1 chimney cap installed to protect your family from animal infestation and to avoid spending money on several wildlife related problems in the future. It’s everything a chimney cap should be! This cap protects your house from critters that create damage, it prevention rain leakage, and it’s a simple, yet elegant design that fits perfectly with every house style.

Best chimney cap for your chimney

Master Services provides a unique Houston wildlife removal service to ensure the safety of your and family. Do you think you may need to hire us for removal services? Call Master Services or schedule online today for a free estimate!

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