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Wildlife Removal Services Dallas

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Call 972-877-4650 Masters Services for wildlife removal services Dallas for raccoons, squirrels, armadillos, rats, birds, skunks, opossums, or snakes that are invading your property.

For over 16 years we have been getting rid of nuisance wildlife in Dallas, Texas.

We started a wildlife removal service Dallas as an extension of our chimney service. It was an easy decision to add because we already got animals and birds out of chimneys. I, Chad, was on a raccoon removal call from a chimney when I discovered there was a raccoon mother and her pups in a chimney. As always, I separated the mother from the chimney and got the pups out. As I always practice a good ethical business, I had learned by putting the pups in a box in a shady place in the back yard the mother would return to retrieve them and relocate them off the property. Not this time. The mother did return and retrieve the pups, but she found an easy access point in the attic of the same client. After some research on raccoon removal I went and bought a trap and baited it with dog food. The next morning I caught her again. Went up in the attic, wow it was hot that day, and found the pups and relocated them all together. That is how Masters Services got into the wildlife removal services Dallas.

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