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Removing Houston Chimney Wildlife from your home

Houston Chimney Wildlife

You’ve seen raccoons and other types of critters scurrying around your yard from time to time and are wondering whether there may be some Houston chimney wildlife that have been attracted to your chimney. Birds, squirrels, raccoons, rabbits, ducks and even snakes are examples of Houston chimney wildlife that often try to find warmth or safe shelter. Once they get in it’s hard to remove them and once they are taken out they usually are attracted right back to the spot. The only way to effectively remove any Houston chimney wildlife is to take them out physically and then repair or cap the chimney to prevent their return.

Houston chimney wildlife can leave behind pheromones that can attract others to the chimney as well. Pheromones are chemicals that are capable of triggering a social response in other animals of the same species. Once there they will act as a magnet to other animals that will want to congregate in your chimney. At this point your chimney will become a social gathering spot and lighting a fire will become dangerous to both you and the animals that are there.

Help! There’s a raccoon stuck in my chimney!

This is one of the frequent cries for help we hear at Masters Services. Someone calls in for Houston chimney wildlife assistance and claims that there is a raccoon stuck in the chimney. A raccoon actually doesn’t get stuck in the chimney – it merely climbs up and down the chimney whenever it wants to!

If you light a fire and the smoke starts to rise the raccoon will scamper out and head to the roof for safety. The problem arises when the raccoon has decided to put its nest there and have a litter of babies. When this happens, the raccoon may wait the fire out and decide to stay with the babies. You will end up with one dead adult raccoon along with a nest of babies.

Your chimney will then be blocked, decomposition will start to set in with this Houston chimney wildlife and the smell will get quite horrifying. Needless to say, you won’t be able to light any fires in the near future until the problem gets handled and you’ll have to live with the guilt of knowing that you killed a nest of raccoon babies along with the mother.

Your options to remove wildlife from your chimney

Whenever there is any type of Houston chimney wildlife, it is a fire hazard. If you try to handle the situation yourself you may end up with more trouble on your hands than you expected. In the raccoon situation, for instance, if you try place a cap when you see the Houston chimney wildlife leaving, you won’t know whether there are babies left there or not. If there are, the mother raccoon will try to break through the cap on your chimney and can ruin your roof in the process. You’ll still have to call in a professional to get the nest of baby raccoons removed.

Give Us A Call

Masters Services

6008 Darlinghurst

Phone: 713-723-4854

Your best option is to call in our Masters Services professionals to get the Houston chimney wildlife handled quickly and efficiently. Our company has been in business since 1995 helping homeowners in the Houston area remove unwanted wildlife that have taken up residence in their chimney. When you need a company that you can count on for results we are only a call away. We can get rid of any type of Houston chimney wildlife, and then cap the chimney for permanent results.

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