Animals are wonderful creatures but they aren’t so wonderful in the chimney, Houston wildlife removal companies can assist with this problem. The state of Texas has a lot of wildlife and the animals often make their way into the developed neighborhoods. Some animals that can possibly be found in a chimney include raccoons, bats, skunks, snakes and reptiles, opossums, rats and mice, squirrels and hawks and owls. There are ways to keep animals out of the chimney with the right protection in place. If animals are already present it is important to have a specialist inspect the situation.
Specialists in Houston Wildlife Removal
There are a number of tips to follow when it comes to animals in the attic and it is important to consult a Houston wildlife removal company like Master Services. They help customers with a number of wild animal related problems such as raccoons in the attic, animals that are destroying the flower bed and deceased animals as well.
It might be tempting to remove the unwanted animals from the home or backyard yourself. This can actually prove to be dangerous. Some people have fallen through attic boards trying to remove squirrels and raccoons. Also the chimney is actually a difficult place to remove animals from. A specialist should be highly trained and experienced. They also have the equipment and even back up since they can call their office if something goes wrong. The way a chimney is shaped it can be difficult to have a good idea of what exactly is nesting or living in the chimney and how many. Some animals can carry rabies and other diseases so it is highly recommended for specialists in Houston wildlife removal to be contacted.
Trust the Experts at Masters Services
There are a number of services that the specialist provides including the safe and humane removal of the animals. They will do an intensive inspection of the inhabited area and will also determine how the animals are entering and exiting the space. This is so important for fixing the problem and to keeping the animals from moving back into your home or backyard. The Houston wildlife animal specialist will often set traps and cages and then monitor them until the animals are caught. It is easy to see that they provide a safe, easy and effective way of wildlife removal.
So remember the next time the sound of pitter patters start on the roof or in the chimney call a specialist. They are trained professionals that can quickly assist you with the removal process and in preventing them from returning. Call a Houston wildlife removal company like Masters Services today.
We eliminate your problems with raccoons in attics, squirrel control, armadillo removal, skunk trapping, and most small critters that invade your property.
Wildlife Removal – Noises in Walls or Attic
EXAMPLE: Inspect attic for animal signs, take appropriate trapping measures, and fix the entry points. $89 service call to inspect the noises.
One of the most common complaints involving nuisance wildlife is the noise they can produce in a home. Many home owners may be unaware that they even have an unwanted visitor in their home if not for the noise. Certain animals may spend their time crawling around (and doing other things) in their newfound home (your attic, soffits, walls, garage, etc.). The scurrying scratching, chewing, or vocal noise that you hear may be most unwelcome, particularly from nocturnal animals. The primary culprits are raccoons, squirrels, rats, and mice, but other creatures may be at work. Give us a call, and we will identify the source of the noise, as well the means by which the animals are entering the structure. Masters Services animal control can get the problem fixed, and you will sleep better at night!
(click on animal you think is your nuisance)
Raccoons: Raccoon removals can be very danagerous, so please DO NOT attempt to trap raccoons and get rid of raccoons on your own. Call Masters Services Animal Control, a trained professional in how to remove raccoons in the attic.
Armadillos: Armadillos are one of the hardest animals to trap because their food source is in the ground, not the trap. They do not come back to the same food source every night, so trapping can take weeks.
Squirrels: Squirrel Control is a common nuisance to home owners that can become overwhelming to deal with. Squirrels in attics chew on electrical wires that is a fire danger! Here at Masters Services we act quickly to get rid of squirrels in the attic fast to ensure the cost is not growing added damages.
Bats: The inspection will provide the amount of bat proofing that needs to be sealed on the exterior of the structure and how much clean up, sanitizing, and deodorizing that needs to be performed.
Skunks: Masters Services specializes in how to get rid of skunks fast. Our skunk control services Dallas, Houston, and Fort Worth areas and uses the safest and fastest skunk removal methods in the industry.
Opossums: If you have an opossum living on you property we will trap him and relocate him usually within 48 hours, if not 24 hours. No guarantee due to the opossum might have left on his own, but if he comes back or has take residence we will remove him within a timely manner.
Rats: Masters Services specializes in how to get rid of rats in attics and knows how to get rats out of homes fast. We simply are the best rat trapping exterminators in Dallas, Fort Worth, and Houston.
Dead Animals: Dead Animal Removal in a wall, ceiling, attic, or any where that has an unpleasant odor. Serving Dallas, Houston, Fort Worth, Arlington, The Woodlands, and all surrounding cities.