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Removal Raccoons Dallas

Removal raccoons Dallas is something that is best left to the professionals call Masters Services (972) 877-4650.

With the spring season upon us there is always an increase in the amount of activity from raccoons. Being that this is their breeding season they are looking for places that they can call home for the next few months. This includes places like your attic and walls. They are looking for somewhere safe from predators and other animals, along with a place to safely keep their young. Raccoon removal is not always easy and takes a professional to handle fully.

I wish that I could say that raccoons only get into places that are already easy to get into but this is just not true. While they won’t turn down an open vent or hole in the siding, they are not afraid of creating the hole they need to get access to where ever they are trying to get into. Sometimes the damage can be quite unreal. Removal raccoons Dallas should include getting repairs to these areas done to prevent future re-entry.

Just last week issued a story about a large outbreak of distemper in raccoons. This is a serious issue that can affect more than just raccoons, if your pets are not up-to-date on their shots and come into contact with a raccoon the possibility of your pet contracting distemper is quite high. Distemper is an infectious viral disease. Symptoms include partial paralysis, seizures, fever, and vomiting. Removal raccoons Dallas should be done by professionals that are trained in the personal safety and precautions involved in handling raccoons.

Masters Services has done removal raccoons Dallas for over 16 years now. We are one of the best trained and experienced companies when it comes to dealing with nuisance animals. Our evaluation includes not only the repair or entry and exit points to prevent the further entry from unwanted animals but also the humane trapping and handling of any removal raccoons Dallas.

Last week we had a client call in about removal raccoons Dallas who had been hearing noises in her attic, she has a 32 year old oak tree that her and her husband had planted when her daughter was born and had decided that it might be time to cut it down as it had allowed squirrels access to the roof line of her home. The technician had gotten to her home and after a few minutes in the attic had located the source of the noise and smell, a raccoon had died in her attic. From all outward appearances the raccoon looked normal; this is a case where the prime suspect for the death was most likely distemper. After removing the animal, the technician looked for any evidence that there may have been more and finding none sealed the hole the raccoon had made to enter the home. Not only was the source of the smell now handled but the client was then relieved to find there was no need to remove her beautiful oak tree. Contact Masters Services for your removal raccoons Dallas needs.

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