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Houston Wild Life Removal

Now is the time to get prepared for Houston wild life removal, keep Masters Services on speed dial (713) 723-4854.

Right now squirrels and raccoons are just beginning their breeding season, very soon it will be the skunks, followed closely by the armadillo and closing up the season but not far behind are the bats. Now imagine all of these animals on the hunt right about now for what will become the first home for their new offspring. Houston wild life removal companies will be very busy over the next few months helping to give eviction notices to those animals who have decided your home is the best place for them and their new families.

If you have already encountered an animal that has moved into your home the best thing to do is call a Houston wild life removal company. Since there are a few of these companies out there you may not be sure what to look for in a removal company. Here are a few tips for picking the best company for you and your needs.

Does the Houston wild life removal company that you are looking at use poison? These poisons are designed to make the animal want water. This more often than not ends up in dead animals behind you’re A/C units or near indoor piping that has condensation. You as the homeowner then have to deal with the smell until you or the company can locate and remove the source of the smell.

What is their training or experience in handling Houston wild life removal? What have they been through, have they handled situations where there has been more than one type of animal involved? What about the handling of babies? These are all things that you are going to want to know before they start working on your home. We have heard stories of the mother raccoon being trapped and the technician never noting that she was a nursing mother, the home is sealed up thinking that the animal was removed and a few days later there is a horrible smell in the wall or from the ceiling. This was the babies that were never collected and relocated with the mother. Experience would have told the technician from looking at the mother that he needed to find the babies that were nearby and they all could have been relocated together and had much better chances of survival this way.

Masters Services has been the number one Houston wild life removal company for over 16 years now. We have seen and handled almost everything imaginable when it comes to Houston wild life removal. We handle all types of nuisance wild life removal. We do not handle dogs or cats. Call us for a free estimate on the removal of animals in your home.

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