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Westminster Animal Removal

Squirrel removal

If you have been hearing noises in your attic or walls you may need Westminster Animal Removal, call Master Services (303) 720-7096 for help.

Are you hearing raccoons rummage around your attic at all hours of the night? Are you dealing with the squeaking of squirrels all day every day? Reclaim your home and call Masters Services today to schedule a Westminster animal removal.

Having animals live in your home can be a huge bother. Most people will call and schedule a Westminster animal removal just because of the noise alone. However, even if you are not hearing many noises or you are not bothered by them, you should still call and set up a time to have a Westminster animal removal done. Animals can cause quite a bit of damage to your home. Squirrels may look cute, but they will ferociously gnaw through electrical wiring in your attic, creating a huge fire hazard that requires immediate attention. Raccoons are quite the cute, furry critter as well, but they are extremely intelligent and strong and will not hesitate to rip through building material such as shingles, screens, and even walls to find a safe place to nest. Any animal will use the bathroom all over the area in which they are dwelling. This often stains and/or contaminates certain materials, such as sheetrock and insulation, to the point where they have to be replaced. The longer an animal dwells in your home, the more damage it is likely to do. You certainly don’t want to wait for all sorts of damages to add up! Just call the professionals at Masters Services today and schedule your Westminster animal removal.

You may be tempted to perform the Westminster animal removal on your own; however, we strongly advise you not do this. Wildlife is extremely dangerous and unpredictable. Many animals will not hesitate to violently attack you if they feel at all threatened or startled. This is especially true when dealing with mothers. Mama coons, for example, are extremely protective of their young. If a mother raccoon feels threatened, she will definitely attack. Many animals carry all kinds of infectious diseases that in some rare cases are fatal to humans. Stay out of harm’s way and leave the Westminster animal removal up to the professionals! When you call Masters Services, a professional, trained wildlife removal technician will arrive at your home in a company uniform and marked truck. He will be able to figure out exactly what type of animal we are dealing with, and the removal method that will be the safest and most efficient. He will also be able to locate the entry/exit points the animal is using to gain access to your home. Finally, the technician will be able to perform proper sanitization/deodorization. All of these steps are extremely important and nothing should be overlooked.

For efficient and humane Westminster animal removal, call Masters Services (303) 720-7096 for a home evaluation today.

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