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Bat Removal Houston

Wildlife Removal Dallas

Call the bat experts, Master Services (713) 723-4854, for bats in the attic or siding.

Bat removal in Houston has picked up with the spring migration. Bats are coming up from Mexico and further south for the spring and summer months. Masters Services has already done several bat removals in Houston and the week ahead looks promising with bat removal estimates. Our bat removal estimates are free to come out and look at how many bats you have and determine how long it will take to remove them. We will then give you a clean up estimate and a repair estimate for when the bats are gone.

Texas Parks and Wildlife set the dates when no bat removals can be performed. Generally this is starting late May till late August. Bats are federally protected. These months are the gestational period for the offspring to be born. The bat colony cannot be removed until the State of Texas says the young are able to survive outside the initial dwelling. If you have a bat colony do not wait until to have it removed. If the gestational period begins then you are federally ordered to not remove them until the State deems it time. Obviously this cost more because the clean up can be expensive. As soon as you think you have bats do not hesitate to get them removed!

Now if you have not discovered them until after the gestational period has begun, we can limit the damages. At this time we will seal the colony out of the rest of the structure (home or business) and keep them limited to the spot they are in to reduce clean up cost. The key is to be ahead of the bats. I have seen people get an estimate and then wait till September to get the entire job done at one time. The cost from an April estimate to September went up $2000! Think about it. April, the bats just arrived. Not much clean up. September, 50 bats guano (feces) now 50 more offspring guano! So they went to a 30 minute clean up in April to a 3 day clean up and siding replacement and repairs the did not exist in April.

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