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Wildlife Control: Out With the Old and In With the New

Wildlife Control Services with Saying

Even if people who love animals tend to agree that when wildlife populations get out of control, the damage can be considerable. Wild life control has evolved from simple, on-sight extermination to humane, large-scale, and technology based solutions designed to minimized wildlife-caused damage with minimum disruption or harm to wild life at large. Regardless of whether you live in the city or the country, it’s likely that you’ll encounter some kind of wild life that is making itself a nuisance. Wild life control is therefore an important and still-growing field that provides a vital community service.

Traditional Wildlife Control Methods

There are very few areas any more where a private citizen can shoot a non-aggressive animal on sight. Farmers protecting their livestock are often given special rights, but in many cases, the shooting of a wild animal could have unexpectedly bad consequences. If the animal is an endangered or protected species, criminal or municipal charges may be filed. And, since exotic pets are becoming more and more popular, that funny looking rodent you just killed might be your neighbor’s beloved pet ferret Freddy. In which case, expect a visit from Freddy’s owner, and an unpleasant conversation.

Other methods of lethal wildlife control are also problematic. States regulations governing the use of pesticides or poisons for wild life control are numerous, divergent, and often very strict.  Bear traps and other limb-catching devices are similarly illegal in many states after lawsuits from more than one unlucky camper. And it’s extremely unwise (and most likely illegal) for a private individual to use gaseous poisons or lethal electrical devices for extermination purposes.

New, More Effective Wildlife Control Techniques

Perhaps the only types of extermination allowed by society and law are those regarding insect infestations such as a wasp’s nest, beehive or ant colony, or those of smaller mammals such as mice and rats in commercially available mouse traps. However, for the most part, wild life control has been undergoing numerous changes. Modern wild life control is more concerned with co-existing rather than conquering nature.

Humane considerations are now extended to even some insect populations, especially honey bees, and wild life control experts focus more on removal, relocation, population control and other non-lethal methods to preserve an ecosystem. Additionally, new technologies allow better repellent, tracking and capture methods, rendering extermination methods inefficient and expensive by comparison. With most states requiring comprehensive licensing, wild life control experts also stay current on the latest techniques and regulations.

Click here to find out more information about professional wildlife control experts Masters Services.

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