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Houston roof rats can be eliminated!

Animal in the Attic

Houston roof rats can be eliminated!

Houston residents – wondering what that scratching noise is coming from your attic? There is a good chance they are the common roof rat. The Houston area is notorious for roof rat problems. They love taking up residence in YOUR home! But have no fear -Houston Roof Rats Can Be Eliminated!!!

We are here to help!

Masters Services has been open for over 16 years, and our trained professional wildlife removal technicians are here to help! We have years of experience in dealing with roof rats in Houston.

Spring has sprung and unfortunately for the Houston area, many people are experiencing the reality of roof rats. “Roof Rats?”, you may ask. Yes. Roof Rats. They are a real type of rat, they are a real species and they like to take up residence in your attics. They are larger than the average rat. They are not only longer, but are wider and rounder in shape as well. Roof rats like to stay high and dry – this is why upstairs locations and attics are the ideal environment for roof rats to nest and have their babies.

Houston Roof rats can be tricky, in that they can climb through the tiniest cracks in your home. They can fit through a hole the size of a quarter or even smaller, and they can chew on your electrical wiring exposing your family to the dangers of electrical wire fire hazards. They also make annoying scratching sounds above your head while you are trying to get a good night’s rest. This problem, unfortunately, will not go away on it’s own. You need to get the help of professionals.

Luckily, Masters Services Houston has a tried, true and tested method of rat removal that will be sure to take care of those rats from you Houston home.

For the initial appointment, a technician will come out to your Houston home in a clean logo’d truck and uniform. This initial roof rats appointment is absolutely free. The technician will assess your attic and look for entry points. Lots of times, there are multiple entry points that the untrained eye will be unable to even detect. The technician will also go over rat trapping techniques with you. If you decide to go with our services, on average, the technician will come out to your home once a week to check the traps, empty them, and set new traps. The technician will be sure to seal all of the holes so no more rats can get in.

animal in the attic

After the technician is finished with trapping all the rats, and he is sure the last rat is gone, and all the holes are sealed up, he will sanitize and deodorize the attic. This is one of the most important steps that some other companies just don’t offer. The rats leave behind a MESS. Nesting, feces, and odors. Not only odors, but they leave behind bacteria that is a health hazard. You don’t want to be cleaning up that mess yourself – leave that to us!!

In person estimates are the best when handling roof rats.

If you are still in the process of trying to choose a company, this initial free assessment appointment is a great opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you might have about Houston Roof Rats, in person with the technician. That way you can get a feel for our company, and get to meet the tech that will be working on your home before you decide to sign up for services.

Below is just one of many examples of how our technicians resolved the issue of roof rats and kept the roof rats AWAY:

Last spring we had a technician work at a location of a customer that had been dealing with a pest removal company to try and resolve their issue of roof rats in the attic. The company, for the past five years had been going into their attic and trapping the rats. The roof rats came back EVERY year – like clockwork, right around Spring time. The homeowners were very getting fed up, and felt like they were getting ripped off. They thought that there must be a more permanent solution. So this time around, they called us at Masters Services Houston. One of our experienced technicians was able to come out the next day, and provide a free initial assessment. After the homeowners approved this work, the tech came out, sealed up the holes, and set traps. After all the rats were trapped, he sanitized and deodorized everything and the attic was like new. He removed years of nesting and feces that had not been taken care of previously. The homeowners called us this year and are happy to say that the roof rats ARE NOT back!! We also provide a warranty with our work – if one of the holes we had sealed up is damaged or if the rats are back, the technicians will come out to assess this for you. The tech will reseal the hole at no cost if it was something we sealed up. Houston roof rats CAN be eliminated!

We are not a high pressure sales company. The technicians will only recommend to you work that is necessary, just as a good mechanic would.

Masters Services has over 16 years of experience, and is family owned and operated. Our technicians are not only experienced, but friendly too! They will arrive at your home in a clean, logo’d truck, in uniform ready to help. We do not contract out, we are proud to say each of our technicians is a trusted employee that is part of the big “masters services family”.

If you think you might have Houston roof rats in your home, it’s time to get them removed! The longer you wait, the longer those roof rats have to have their babies in your attic and nest in your insulation and nibble on your wiring – creating more expensive damages that can be avoided. Call our office and one of our courteous and knowledgeable customer service specialists will be happy to assist you. Call for questions, and call to set up an appointment.

Call us at our Houston location to eliminate your Houston Roof Rats – (713) 723-4854.

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