If you are looking for a Richardson Plumber you can find one right here at Masters Services. Our master plumber has over 10 years of experience in all areas of home plumbing work and repair. We can do repairs and installations for most any plumbing problem you might be facing.
Our plumber in Richardson can install water heaters both; the tank and tankless variety, as well as install or repair gas, water and sewer lines. We offer inline video inspection, leak detection and pressure testing as well. We can clear a drain, fix a toilet or sink and our master plumber can easily diagnose and detect any plumbing issues you may have.

Some of our more common services include:
When you are having a new fireplace or stove installed our Richardson plumber can easily install a line for the gas to fuel your device. Alternatively we can do repairs for existing lines and provide junctions and valves for you as well.
Did you know that there is a toilet that (quite possibly the world’s most expensive commode) is made of solid 24k gold and is worth about 5 million dollars – well before gold prices started rising anyway. Unless of course you would like to count the international space station toilet which cost around 19 million – but it is technically not on the world.
Albert Einstein once said in public that if he could do it all again he would have been a plumber – This caused him to become an honorary member of the Plumbers and Steamfitters Union.
The Egyptians of ancient times were using copper as the material for their pipes long, long, long ago. The Romans used lead (plumbum) which is the basis for our modern word.
When you think of plunger you are probably picturing a flat bottomed device, while it works for toilets, it was designed for drains and showers. A toilet plunger tapers at the end to fit into the bottom of your toilet bowl.
Wooden pipes made of hollow logs were used in both Boston and Montreal instead of metal.
Ozzy Osborne was a plumber’s apprentice.
I would be hard pressed to find more famous plumbers than Mario and Luigi of Super Mario Brothers fame.
Not that it is really wasted time if you read or do your homework or write a thesis or something but it is estimated that the average person spends almost three years total at the toilet throughout their lifetime.
If you need of a Richardson plumber Masters Services, (972) 877-4650, is only a phone call away. We will arrive in a logoed vehicle dressed in a logoed shirt and we will come prepared to give you an estimate or do the work right away. We are prompt, courteous and knowledgeable about all of the kinds of plumbing problems or issues that you may be experiencing. We hope to hear from you when you need a hand from a Richardson plumber!