Tuck Pointing

Tuck pointing is the repair to cracking or missing mortar joints. A filler mortar compound material that is fireproof is placed in the missing cracks. This is to repair any cracks letting heat or flames from entering the back or side walls behind the fireplace. If a gas starter pipe is present and rusted or decayed we can replace that as well.
Cracks are caused by too much moisture entering the flue and coming down to the firebox. A full coverage chimney cap will solve future necessary tuck pointing.
Lintel Packing
Lintels are one of the most common fire hazards from using your fireplace. At the front of the firebox there is a lintel bar holding up the bricks for the opening into the fireplace. Behind this mortar falls out with heating of the fireplace and should be replaced often. If the opening is large we will use screening to act like rebar for the mortar to stay in as long as possible.
Prefab Refractory Panels

Refractory Panels are in prefabricated fireboxes. Common to break and replace often. Expensive, so we strongly urge you to purchase a reflector shield to cover and protect the panels. We make out of vermiculite and refractory mortar. No warranty due to firewood settles and crashes into the panels every fire hence the need for a reflector shield!
Reflector Shields

Reflector Shields serve as a barrier to the backwall or refractory panels. There is a slight heating effect but reflector shields are for protecting the firewall from creating fire hazardous cracking for occurring. Reflector Shields come in square, arch, and scroll design. Exclusive to Masters Services you can customize your reflector shields with one line at the top of the middle section. Words only at this time.
Firebox Rebuilding

We rebuild fireboxes or just the back firewall.
Cracks are caused by too much moisture entering the flue and coming down to the firebox. A full coverage chimney cap will solve future necessary tuck pointing.