What to expect when you enlist pro chimney sweeps. Hiring a professional chimney sweep is a wise decision when you want to light a fire this year to create a warm and cozy atmosphere. However, once you’ve decided to make that call, you may not know what to expect next. Should you cover the furniture? What part of your home will the chimney sweep need access for? These are excellent questions, and to help you get ready for your visit, here are a few things that you should expect from a pro chimney sweep.
Straightforward Pricing
Before you schedule that appointment be sure that you get a quote and learn more about the pricing for having your chimney swept. The best companies won’t want to surprise you with hidden fees or surprise costs, and you’ll notice this when you speak with them. If you find that they are skirting around the subject of pricing, then you’ll want to find someone that is more transparent.
Prompt Arrival
Once you enlist pro chimney sweeps for the right price and best chimney sweep services for you then schedule the appointment. They’ll arrive promptly and be prepared to work with professional attitudes and attire. They won’t waste time and will be quick to respond to any questions you have. Before they arrive, you’ll want to cover any furniture that is near the fireplace with sheets, and remove anything on tables that could get in the way. Also, make sure your mantel and the base of your fireplace are free of the tools you use, picture frames, decorations, and other items that you want to protect from being possibly getting dirty or damaged.
A Clean and Safe Work Atmosphere
While the chimney sweep works they’ll keep their workspace safe and as clean as possible as they get the job completed. Because they’ll have to get on the roof, they’ll inspect the outside of your home to find the best way to get to the chimney cap. If you have any debris or bushes that could complicate this, they’ll work with you to find the safest and best solution for your home.
A Complete Job from Beginning to End
Once the chimney is swept, the experts will clean up any messes that were from the cleaning, and put all equipment and trash in the proper place. You’ll find that after they leave your home, you’ll be left with a clean and comfortable atmosphere that is ready for you to safely light a fire in. You can then replace all of your belongings around the fireplace and remove the sheets, and enjoy your space as it was meant to be.
Chimney Cap must be Installed
It is code to make sure a chimney cap is installed. Chimney caps prevent moisture from entering the chimney and stop critters from living down by the damper. If the damper is open the critter can enter the home at will. Enlist pro chimney sweeps services before you get a chimney invader living on your damper.

Easy to Contact
Even after the chimney sweep has performed their job, you should be confident that they can easily be contacted again for future services. It’s important that you build a lasting relationship with the experts that perform home improvement services such as chimney cap installation and sweeps so that you continue to call them throughout the years of home ownership. Trust that this will make your life more convenient and your home safer. Contact Masters Services in Dallas at 972-877-4650, Houston at 713-723-4854, and Oklhoma City at 405-236-111.