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Houston Chimney Sweeps

Masters Services 713-723-4854 Houston Chimney Sweeps does free animal removal with the purchase of a chimney cap. Free safety and water leak inspections with a chimney sweep service.

Houston residents do not burn their fireplaces for a long period of time. Typically the wood burning season starts around Thanksgiving and ends around Valentines Day. Since they do not often use their fireplaces Houston residences do not properly maintain the fireplace and chimney.

Houstons location on the gulf coast makes its climate humid and often rainy. Rain causes many problems with chimneys. The rain deteriorates the mortar and brick or stone the chimney is made of. Water leaks are caused by the deterioration. Our Houston chimney sweep can prevent these leaks by maintaining the chimney integrity.

Our Houston chimney sweep safety and water leak inspections include:

  • Does the chimney have a proper chimney cap
  • Check if any animals are in the chimney or nesting
  • Mortar crown solid and crack free
  • No loose bricks, stone, stucco, mortar, trim, or siding
  • Has the chimney been waterproofed in the last 10 years
  • Smooth and crack free flue
  • Properly working damper, rust free
  • Solid fire walls or solid refractory panels
  • No lintle seperation or cracks
  • No gas leaks
  • Good fire screen

If all of the above is checked and maintained at least once a year the chimney will never leak. So Houston residences, YES your chimney will never leak if Masters Services Houston Chimney Sweep maintains you chimney and fireplace.

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