Masters Services 972-877-4650 is the most recommended chimney sweep for Dallas.
Masters Services has the best reviews from multiple referral sites that are from actual customers, no paid reviews! Our customers have taken the time to recommend us for our chimney sweep for Dallas because we are:
- ✓ Honest
- ✓ Reliable
- ✓ Excellent Work Performed
- ✓ Mid-size Family Owned / Operated
- ✓ Clean Cut Appearance
- ✓ Company Labeled Trucks
- ✓ 17 Years of Experience
What has Masters Services done to be the most recommended chimney sweep for Dallas?
We here at Masters Services only believe in doing what is right for the situation. What do I mean by that? Well, simple. We let the situation dictate the repairs or method of correction. We do not look at the size of the house or the income level of the customer to determine the prices or the correct method of correction. A chimney sweep costs the same for a million dollar house as it does for a mid size blue collar residence. Every chimney inspection is performed with the idea of “the chimney tells us the story”, not the homeowner or the technician.
We do not deal in… “Can you fix it to get me by for the winter and then we will do the more pricier repairs later.” We deal with your safety with you burning a fire in your home, which is out of our control. We only create estimates that completely solve fire safety issues. Of course there are some minor exceptions like tuck pointing a back wall instead of rebuilding it. Sometimes a crack repair is ok instead of a rebuild, however, crack repairs can only be done so many times before it needs to be rebuilt. We will not clean a chimney if it does not need a chimney sweep. If we show up and the chimney has never been used and no cleaning is needed then we will drop the price from a sweep inspection to only a chimney inspection price. This sounds obvious, but our some competitors will do the cleaning anyway to make the extra income. Our philosophy here at Masters Services is to be as honest as we can, as our history is proven. We take great pride in being the best recommended chimney sweep for Dallas.
Here is what are our customers are saying to be your recommended chimney sweep for Dallas

Masters Services is the best rated, recommended chimney sweep for Dallas, hire us and get the best chimney sweep Dallas can provide!