Say ‘Sayonara’ to Summer with a Chimney Sweep Allen

Texas heat makes it a bit difficult to focus on our fireplaces and chimneys. However, before you know it, you’ll be reaching for your favorite sweater, busting out some hot cocoa, and getting ready to gather round a warm, cozy fire with your family and friends to celebrate the winter season. However, just like with any other product that you own or component of your home, a chimney requires regular maintenance. Nothing too extensive or complicated is involved… the average homeowner just needs a simple inspection and an Allen chimney sweep and their fireplace will be rearing to go all winter long.
When Is a Chimney Sweep Allen Necessary?
Not everyone needs a chimney sweep every year, however most homeowners do. Let’s look at a couple of different scenarios when you may not need a chimney sweep before discussing situations where you would need a sweep. If you have gas logs, you most likely do not need a chimney sweep. There is an exception to this, however. If your gas logs were inserted into a dirty fireplace, you would need a sweep. In general, the only other time that you would not need a sweep is if you hardly ever use your chimney. As a general rule, we recommend that people get their chimneys swept for every quart of wood they burn. For most homeowners, this means getting a sweep annually. Just 1/4” of soot can be enough to deter your chimney from functioning and venting properly. It is very common for people to think that something major is wrong with their chimney when they in fact just need a simple cleaning.
Determining If You Need an Allen Chimney Sweep
If you’re not sure if you need a chimney sweep or not, the easiest way to tell is by getting an inspection. You should get an inspection at least once a year anyways to make sure that it is functioning properly and safely. At Masters Services, we build the price of an inspection into the price of a sweep for your convenience. Most homeowners just go ahead and opt to get the sweep and inspection at the same time every year. As you know, owing a fireplace/chimney is serious business that could lead to house fires and property loss if you don’t maintain the unit properly, which is why it’s extremely important to keep up with the maintenance for it.