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Houston Chimney Inspection Professionals Recommend:

Houston Chimney Sweep Smoke

Everyone loves a warm wood burning fireplace. But what some homeowners don’t realize are the dangers of not properly having your chimney inspected before every burning season. Houston chimney inspection professionals at Masters Services recommend you have your chimney swept once a year. Plenty of reasons exist to why fireplace cleaning is important. Year after year, countless lives are lost and millions of dollars are sustained in property damage because the homeowner failed to conduct fireplace cleaning on a regular basis.

Dallas Chimney Sweeping

Why should I have my chimney inspected yearly?

Regular fireplace cleaning is imperative to the safety of everyone inside of the home. You simply cannot underestimate the importance of a fireplace cleaning. Houston chimney inspection experts advise cleaning your fireplace at least once per year. You will also want to have the fireplace inspected at that time to make sure there is nothing wrong with the interior of your fireplace Not only will fireplace cleaning help to ensure your system functions properly, but it will also prevent any flammable creosote from building up inside.

Soot Removal

Why a Clean Fireplace is Safer for Your Home

One of the main byproducts for homeowners who love the glowing blaze inside of their home is creosote build up inspection carried up into the fireplace. This substance ends up coating the interior walls of the fireplace. When it becomes too thick, the substance will end up catching on fire. These fires spread rather quickly and silently into other parts of your home. Heavy coatings of creosote hinder the flow of carbon monoxide, which is an odorless gas that is extremely dangerous, through your fireplace and outside of your home. Everyone is aware of the fact that carbon monoxide is a silent killer.

Make Sure Your Fireplace is Operating at Peak Efficiency

A Houston chimney inspection expert will help to make sure your fireplace is operating at peak efficiency, which will provide you with the most amount of heat while working to reducing the amount of smoke that makes its way into your home. Everyone loves to save money on their heating costs, which is exactly what you can do with a fireplace that works properly. Instead of having to spend a fortune on your heating bill, you can save more of the money in your pocket with fireplace cleaning around your home.

gas logsCharred Oak

Determining When to Clean the Fireplace

Now that you know the importance of fireplace cleaning, you will need to know when you need to do it. Masters Services, Houston chimney inspection experts advise cleaning your fireplace at least once per year. You will also want to have the fireplace inspected at that time to make sure there is nothing wrong with the interior of your fireplace. Many homeowners tend to ignore the potential warning signs associated with their fireplaces. If you notice soot building up inside of the walls or the damper, you need to get this taken care of immediately. Smoke that enters into your home when the fireplace is going is another key sign that your fireplace needs cleaning. You shouldn’t smell a burning smell when the fireplace is not on either.

Call 713-723-4854 or click here to schedule your appointment today!

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