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Say So Long to Summer with a Chimney Sweep Aurora

Say So Long to Summer with a Chimney Sweep Aurora

It’s that time again! Fall is here and most homeowners are beginning to make preparations for the winter season. Stay ahead of the game with an Aurora chimney sweep from Masters Services. A chimney sweep is an integral part of chimney maintenance that simply should not be ignored. If you’re going to use your fireplace at all, you should take a few steps to make sure that everything is working properly and you’ll be able to safely use your chimney throughout the season. Some people will call in and report that they have never had a chimney sweep! This is dangerous business if you ever use your chimney. Let’s take a closer look at some of the reasons that getting a chimney sweep is so important.

Chimney Sweep

The Importance of a Chimney Sweep

Was your fireplace acting a little strange last winter? Was it just not venting properly? Did you smell a strange or foul odor coming from the chimney? There could be many, many different reasons why you would be experiencing problems with your chimney, however there is one common, and simple, solution that people often don’t think will be the only answer: a chimney sweep. Just as little as 1/4” of soot buildup in your chimney can definitely prevent the entire system from functioning properly. Sometimes a chimney will be so full of soot and creosote buildup that the damper inside of the chimney won’t open all the way. Soot buildup can also cause that foul odor that you may be smelling coming from your chimney. For cases such as these, a simple cleaning will do the trick to get the fireplace to run safely and efficiently once more.

How Can I Tell if I Need a Chimney Sweep?

The best way to figure out if you need a chimney sweep or not is to get an inspection. Masters Services builds the price of an inspection into the price of a sweep for your convenience. You should get at least one chimney inspection every single year. There is a common misconception that you don’t really need to get an inspection unless something is going wrong with your chimney. If you wait until something goes wrong to get an inspection, you’ll usually be stuck with some costly repair bills. If you just go ahead and get the inspection, you can usually catch problems before they get too serious. Most homeowners opt to simply get an annual sweep and inspection at the same time.

Call Masters Services at (303) 720-7096 to schedule an Aurora chimney sweep today!

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