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Chimney Leaking is Created by Texas Weather

It’s finally Spring, which means the grass is getting greener and the flowers are beginning to grow.  Although, plants can’t begin to grow again without rain. Recently, Texas was been experiencing lots of rain fall and thunderstorms. These rain storms can cause damage to your chimney and eventually your roofing. When Spring begins, so does chimney leaking.

Master Services is seeing an increase in chimney leaking due to uneducated homeowners. Oftentimes, homeowners don’t even know their chimney is causing dangerous risks to their family and home. They think their chimney is perfectly fine and they don’t understand the maintenance facts a chimney acquires.

The main reason chimney leaks occur is because homeowners are never taught how to properly care for leaks and basic chimney needs. Educate yourself on how to prevent chimney leaking before it costs you thousands of dollars in damage.

What is the main Reason Chimney’s Leak?

Knowing the exact reason for a chimney leak can seem confusing for a homeowner. Where did these chimney leaks come from? How do I fix the leak and prevent leaking from happening again?

An uncovered chimney flue is one of the main reasons water leaks happen. Without anything covering it, it puts your chimney at risk to leaks. When a chimney doesn’t have a correct chimney cap installed, it’s completely exposed to rain fall and other debris.

How does Chimney Leaking Start?

Other reasons for chimney leaking is the absence of these key factors. The factors needed includes a creak free mortar crown, ChimneySaver waterproofing, a chase cover, flashing and tuck pointing. Having these means your chimney is up to code standards and to make sure your chimney isn’t costing you thousands of dollars in damage.

Crown Coat 3D 2

The leading reason chimneys develop leaking is cracks in the mortar crown. Having a mortar crown means having a solid layer of seamless mortar. Master Services uses crown coat to seal the mortar. Crown coat guarantees a lifetime warranty that the chimney will never leak from the mortar crown. Getting your chimney top sealed by Master Services means your mortar will never leak again.

On prefab chimneys, you can’t apply mortar crown on the chimney top. Prefab chimney’s have a metal flue pipe sticking through it, therefore you can’t apply mortar crown on a hole. A chase cover is installed on the chimney top, instead of a mortar crown.

Now, if you have a wood chase then you can’t waterproof it. Wood chases are only build on prefab chimneys. Although, not every prefab chimney is built out of wood. Some are built out of brick. When they are built from brick, they can have waterproofing, done just like a masonry chimney.

When a chimney isn’t up to code regulations, rain seeps into the chimney and moisture gets trapped inside. This makes your chimney prone to chimney leaking. Having a chimney that’s up to code means you are actively preventing leaking. It also reveals your chimney is susceptible to fires and creosote exposure.  Now, Let’s go over why you need all of those things mentioned earlier, that classify your chimney as up to code.

How to Prevent Chimney Leaking

Preventing chimney leaks is fairly simple, once you know what the symptoms of a leaking chimney are and what causes them in the first place. Every homeowner who has a fireplace installed should have a working knowledge on how to prevent all health risks that come along with it. Let’s discuss how to look for a chimney leak and what to do when your chimney is leaking.

How exactly am I supposed to know if I have a leaky chimney? There are a few ways you can detect chimney leaking without the help of a professional.

Look for condensation inside the firebox. This is typically an indicator that there’s a large water leak caused by your chimney. If you ever smell a musty odor coming from the area of the fireplace, then you most likely have a leaky chimney. Another symptom of chimney leaking is visible moisture around the walls of the fireplace.

If you have noticed any of these signs of chimney leaking, it’s time to get give Master Services a call.

What if I’m not sure if my Chimney is Leaking?

Don’t hesitant or wait to schedule an appointment if you believe your chimney is leaking and has water damage. A chimney leak can happen as fast as over night and can rapidly get worse. The longer the water sits in your chimney, the worse the damage will become.

Most homeowners have issues with their chimney that are not aware of. Your chimney could be perfectly fine one day and the next it could have severe water damage. The weather in Texas is extremely unpredictable and studies have shown it has the most drastic weather changes in the whole country. That’s Texas weather for you.

Yes, we know it’s not practical to check for chimney issues everyday. In fact, it’s not safe for an untrained individual to look for chimney damage at all. Homeowners shouldn’t look for damage on the chimney because they don’t have the correct apparatus or all the knowledge required.

Although, there are ways you can Here are the safe ways you can indicate your chimney is leaking. We have the right equipment for chimney leaks and we train our technicians on how to correctly utilize all needed tools. Master Services has educated technicians that know exactly what to look for.

Why is it Dangerous to have Chimney Leaks?

You may be wondering why water leaks can be so expensive once they progress and how they can create potential health risks. It’s just a little rain water, right? Well, just a small amount of rain water can cause many health risks. Therefore, it’s quite danger to have water leaks.

Chimney leaks cause water to seep into the walls of your home without your knowledge. This causes mold to grow and creates a musty, dirty smell that lingers throughout the home.

Leaking can also cause deterioration of the entire chimney. Once a chimney deteriorates, it allows wildlife to enter the chimney. When wildlife gets into your chimney, it doesn’t just visit every few days. They create a home in the chimney and stay there. This can become an extremely dangerous fire hazard.

What is the best chimney cap to install for leak prevention?

Often refereed to as a rain cap, our number one chimney cap is the best chimney cap for rain protection. All water and rain was designed to shed right off of the number one chimney cap. This is why it has a flat top and a cross break. A cross break ensures water cannot sit on the top of the lid. Water sitting on top of the lid can cause deterioration. The cross break avoids this issues altogether.

Dallas Houston Chimney Cap

It is also our lowest costing chimney cap, but you would never know! In fact, most customers choose it purely for the design. Master Services chimney caps serve as safety precautions and to keep the exterior of your home looking stylish. Customers seem to love the simple, yet modern look of the appearance.

In addition to water damage prevention, our number one cap protects from wildlife invasion. With the number one chimney cap, you are being shielded from costly water damage, as well as animal infestation. Screening in built in the chimney cap to make sure there’e no way wildlife can get through. If wildlife can squeeze in the chimney, you better believe rain can too.

From the look to the way it averts water damage, the number one chimney cap is perfect for your home. The number one chimney cap has everything you’d ever need in a chimney cap. To find out more information about our number one chimney cap, click here to learn more about chimney caps.

What Other kind of Chimney Caps do we Install?

Master Services has a variety of chimney cap options to choose from. Didn’t like our number one chimney cap design? That’s alright! We offer different chimney cap designs to fit all our customers needs and style preference. There is a chimney cap style that fits absolutely everyone’s taste.

Not only do chimney caps prevent rain fall from entering your chimney, but they also protect your chimney from animal infestation. Wildlife can easily get your chimney without a chimney cap. The chimney flue is an open entry, welcoming in unwanted wildlife. With a chimney cap, animals are no longer able to squeeze into the flue.

Here are some of the other chimney caps we provide to our customers.

We Fabricate Chimney Caps

Most companies buy their chimney caps from other businesses before they install them for customers. This is the more efficient way, although it’s not more effective or ideal. Unlike like most, we fabricate our chimney caps ourselves. We do this to ensure the job is done correctly and with complete precision.

Don’t live in Texas? You’re in luck because our company doesn’t just make chimney caps for Texas homeowners. Since we fabricate our own chimney caps, we are able to send out chimney caps anywhere in the country.

Master Services owns the business, Master Caps. You can build a chimney cap that’s tailored to your specific liking with Master Caps. Chimney caps aren’t just for rain damage prevention and keeping your chimney free from any animals. Master Caps also makes chimney caps to help add a personal touch on your home and to showcase your unique style.

If you would describe yourself as picky, then Master Caps chimney caps are perfect are you. Can’t find a chimney cap that particularly matches to your house’s exterior? You tell us what your perfect chimney cap looks like and we’ll make it! We cater to your needs. That means no chimney size and shape is too difficult for us. Visit Master Caps to create your dream chimney cap.

Master Caps chimney caps are hand crafted with the highest quality materials. There are several decorative materials to choose from when customizing a chimney cap. Master Caps uses materials such as copper, stainless steel, or colored steel. These materials match perfectly with roof shingles and gutters.

We Offer Free Estimates on Chimney Caps

After being educated on the dangers of water damage, did you realize you’re in need of a chimney cap install? Chances that you did are very high. If you already have a chimney cap, I’m sure you came to the conclusion that your chimney cap isn’t as safe as you thought.

Along with fabrication, Master Services offers chimney cap estimates. Estimates are free of charge to any interested customers. Since we make our caps handmade and from scratch, an estimate is necessary to take required measurements. During an estimate we determine the best appliances for your chimney. This is based on the type of chimney you have.

If you have a masonry chimney then your estimate will look different than if you had a prefab chimney, and vise versa. Master Services chimney cap estimates are always free without any hidden costs.  No matter how large your chimney may be.

If you think your chimney is leaking, contact Master Services today. Remember, the longer you wait to fix a water leak, the worse the damage gets! Texas weather isn’t  reliable, but Master Services is.

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