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Chimney Cleaning in Westfield, TX 77073

When You Don’t Use Your Harris County Fireplace Often, Do You Still Need a Local Chimney Cleaning Company?

Masters Services, a premier local chimney cleaning serving Westfield, TX, provides efficiency and safety to Harris County fireplaces for over 20 years. In order to deliver exceptional results, we employ a team of certified, fully licensed, and fully insured technicians who use the latest equipment, cutting-edge technologies, and proven techniques and strategies. No matter what type of service you need, if you’re looking for a local chimney cleaning who offers efficient, reliable, and affordable service, look no further than Masters Services’s experts.

Even if you rarely use your fireplace, you should hire a Westfield, TX Chimney Cleaning

It’s totally understandable that you wouldn’t use the fireplace very often, given the year-round warm temperatures in VarCounty County. However, there are times when you might want to light a fire, for example on an abnormally cold night or when you want to create some ambiance. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends chimney cleanings every year. However, on account of how seldom you use your fireplace, you wonder if the recommendation applies to you.

If you use your Harris County fireplace a few times a year or just once a year, you should still hire a chimney cleaning in Westfield, TX. Discover why you should hire a local chimney cleaning, even if you only use your fireplace occasionally:

Chimney Cleaning Company in Addison, TX

To Reduce Fire Risks

In the United States, chimney fires are the leading cause of house fires, according to the NFPA. Even rarely used fireplaces can cause chimney fires. Despite only burning fires a few times a year, the fires that you do burn produce creosote, which is an almost tar-like substance that collects inside the flue.

Creosote is an extremely flammable substance. If you only light a fire a few times a year, over several years, that creosote still accumulates, which means when you do use your fireplace on a special occasion, that creosote could ignite and cause a house fire.

Creosote isn’t the only cause of chimney fires; blockages can also contribute. Dirt and debris from the outdoors, such as leaves, twigs, and acorns, can blow into the chimney. Chimneys provide dark, compact, and out-of-the-way shelter for animals like bats, birds, squirrels, and raccoons. When you spark a fire, foreign materials such as outdoor debris or critters’ nests can ignite.

It is strongly recommended that you hire a chimney cleaning in Westfield, TX to reduce the risk of a house fire. A local Harris County chimney cleaning will thoroughly clean your chimney to remove all creosote buildup and obstructions, thus reducing fire hazards and increasing your safety.

To Detect Structural Damage

No matter how little you use your fireplace, structural damage to your chimney could cause serious problems for you and your Harris County home. The mortar that holds the bricks together can be degraded by constant exposure to the elements.

Additionally, ground shifting and settlement may deteriorate the mortar. It is possible for the flue that lines your chimney to break down, for the chimney cap to become damaged or come off completely, or for moisture to enter your chimney. The damage caused by these structural flaws can be disastrous, and they can affect a chimney’s structural integrity. If the structural integrity of your chimney is compromised, in an extreme situation, the entire chimney could collapse.

A chimney cleaning with a good reputation and experience will thoroughly inspect your entire chimney. They’ll detect any problems, and depending on the services the Westfield, TX chimney cleaning offers, they may also be able to correct them. If you use your fireplace just once a year – or once every ten years -, repairing structural damage will ensure the safety of your chimney and your Harris County home.

To Save Money

When you use your fireplace so infrequently, it might seem pointless to hire a Westfield, TX chimney cleaning to clean and inspect your chimney; in reality, however, not having your Harris County chimney professionally cleaned and inspected can actually cost you more. At some point, you might have to deal with significant damages if you neglect your chimney and it becomes clogged with creosote, debris, or animals, or if the integrity of the structure is compromised.

For example, if your chimney is blocked and you use it on a rare occasion and the blockage causes a house fire, or if the chimney collapses due to weakening its structural integrity, you’ll be looking at costly repairs. Maintaining your chimney annually with the help of a professional local sweep will help you avoid unexpected charges.

Book a chimney cleaning appointment with a leading Westfield, TX

Considering the above information, it’s easy to understand why hiring a local chimney cleaning is important, no matter how seldom you use your fireplace. Masters Services offers Harris County’s most reliable, efficient, and affordable chimney care services. Call 972-877-4650 today!

Some information about Westfield, TX

Westfield is an unincorporated community in Harris County, Texas, United States located along Interstate 45 and the Union Pacific Railroad nineteen miles (30 km) north of Downtown Houston.

In 1846 Herman Tautenhahn, a German immigrant, built a general store near Cypress Station. By 1876 Westfield was established; the community was named after Gadi F. West, a man who owned a field along the International–Great Northern Railroad. In 1873 a post office opened. Tautenhahn moved his store closer to the rail line. Westfield’s economy consisted of loading goods such as cattle, cotton, hides, and lumber from local warehouses and cattle pens onto freight cars. The community shipped a tonnage of goods equalling that shipped by nearby Spring. By 1890 Westfield had 200 people, of which most were Anglo-American and German-American. The community included several sorghum manufacturers, three churches, three combination gristmill and cotton gins, one steam sawmill, and one school. Some residents manufactured barrels, farm implements, and furniture. In 1905 Westfield became an overflow point for employees from the nearby Humble oil field. Between 1925 and 1930 the population increased from 50 to 450. During the Great Depression the population decreased to 50. During World War II 200 residents and 10 businesses were in the community. The population decreased to 125 after the end of the war. By the 1950s Farm to Market Road 1960 was constructed. In 1962 the store established by Tautenhahn, renamed Big T Shopping Center, moved to the intersection of F.M. 1960 and Interstate 45. The population stayed at the same level from the post-war years until the mid-1960s, when it increased to 275. From 1966 to 1990 the population remained at 275 and the area had a maximum of 32 businesses. The area post office closed in 1972. The state of Texas did not find population figures for the year 2000.

Learn more about Westfield.

Directions from Westfield, TX to Masters Services

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