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Chimney Cleaning

When was it that you had your last chimney cleaning?


If you can’t remember, it’s been a few years or you did it last winter, it is time to get that chimney cleaning done again! Getting regular chimney cleaning done is good for a number of reasons, primarily being the removal of creosote build up that occurs when burning wood. If there is too much time in between your cleanings and the build up is left to grow and grow your fireplace and chimney are at a much higher risk for fire as the creosote itself can then catch flame.</pP

Chimneys need regular maintenance


For just a minute, think of your chimney the way you think of your car, the way to prevent expensive repairs is by getting and keeping regular maintenance going on your car. If you need an oil change you get one, need more gas you fill the tank and if your car is dirty you get it washed. Same concept with your chimney, if you get any chimney repairs done as they are need as well as regular chimney cleaning and inspections you will be able to spot and address any oncoming issues before they become major problems.


Who do you call?


Certified Chimney Pro

I always suggest to call a Certified Chimney Professional. This is due to the fact that in many states it is not required to be certified to preform a chimney sweep, while this may be good for people getting started in the business it opens you, the homeowner, to possibilities of miss diagnosed situations due to not being familiar with the current fireplace and chimney codes as well as the chance of less experience. This is not something that we take lightly as we are quite frankly dealing with the safety of you and your home.


Masters Services are Certified Chimney Professionals as well as having been in the chimney cleaning business for over 16 years. There is nothing that we haven’t seen when it comes to your chimney and fireplace. We are here to help keep you safe while enjoying everything your chimney has to offer.


Contacting us is simple!


To contact us for a chimney cleaning if you are in the DFW area contact us at (972) 877-4650, in the Houston area (713) 723-4854, the Oklahoma City area (405) 236-1111 or the Denver area (303) 720-7096. We are available for service calls Monday through Saturday to make things more convenient for you.

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