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Dallas TX Chimney Caps

If you need Dallas TX chimney caps contact Master Services (972) 877-4650 for a beautiful custom chimney cap.

Seeing as we had that great few days of rain this last weekend it is a perfect time to ensure that your Dallas TX chimney caps are in tip top shape. A chimney has much more function and purpose than just being the finishing touch to the look of your chimney. In fact, Dallas TX chimney caps serve as one of the major barriers to water leaks. Thus protecting your chimney from break down that can occur when the mortar and bricks are wet. This can create a situation called “spalding” where the bricks have chunks that fall off of them due to wear and exposure. Constant water leaking can over time cause enough damage to need a back wall or chase rebuild if the area breaks down too far or there is rotten areas in the wood. If you have Dallas TX chimney caps installed correctly on your home this can cut down greatly on any water leak problems you may be having.

Another very important role that Dallas TX chimney caps play is in keeping animals like birds, squirrels, raccoons and so on out of your chimney. This will do a few things for your chimney and home; animals will not be able to get into your home through the chimney. Also if the animals are taking shelter in your chimney for nesting purposes those nesting materials being in the chimney can lead to drafting issues along with cause fires if they are gotten too hot.

If you are wondering if you need Dallas TX chimney caps call Master Services, (972) 877-4650 and we can get one of our trained and experienced technicians out to take a look.

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