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Protect Your Chimney with Custom Chimney Caps Allen

Call Masters Services at (972) 877-4650 and ask about custom chimney caps Allen.

If you are like many homeowners, you are probably always looking for different ways to get the most out of all of your purchases and investments. This makes sense… after all, you want to get the longest life possible out of any component of your home. This includes your chimney. When it comes to your chimney, a couple of simple things should be taken care of so that it will stay in the best possible working order, and will withstand different elemental factors such as rain, heat from the sun, and invasions from unwanted critters. One of the best ways to protect your chimney from external damage of this sort is to invest in custom chimney caps Allen. This is simply the best solution for many of the potential problems that could arise in regards to your chimney. Let’s look at an example of how drastic a difference custom chimney caps Allen can make in a homeowner’s life when the custom chimney caps Allen are properly built and installed.

A client of ours had just moved into a new home. Within just a couple of weeks of living there, they began hearing strange sounds coming from the chimney. The sounds were so loud at times that they were actually living in fear that something was going to pop right up through the firebox. At first they thought that the sound would eventually cease; however with time they realized that this was not the case. Finally, the homeowner searched around on the internet for what to do in this type of situation and ended up finding the number for Masters Services. He gave us a call and the first question we asked him is, “do you have custom chimney caps Allen?” they were not sure as he had just purchased the home, so we sent a technician out to take a look at the chimney. This is a free service that we offer, and there’s no obligation attached to it.

When the technician got to the home, he found that there was a cap on the chimney; however it did not provide full coverage, and therefore did not prevent the squirrels from entering the home. The technician also found that there was a significant amount of water damage on the mortar and work needed to be done. If there had been custom chimney caps Allen on the chimney, the chance of these problems occurring would be slim to none. The technician was able to remove the raccoons and perform the mortar work for homeowners, and he also gave them an estimate for custom chimney caps Allen and we had the cap ready within the week. Now the happy couple can rest easy knowing that because they have custom chimney caps Allen they will never have to deal with noisy critters invading their home through the chimney again.

Call Masters Services at (972) 877-4650 for more information on custom chimney caps Allen.

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