Custom Chimney Caps Denton

Many Denton homeowners may question whether a custom chimney cap is necessary or not. The reality of the situation is, is that a custom chimney cap that is designed to protect your chimney can prevent a multitude of mishaps from taking place in your home- in turn saving us homeowners 1,000’s of dollars in damage expenses and additional chimney repair charges. I like to think of getting a custom chimney cap installed as a future headache preventer. It will help you to avoid unwanted surprises down the road, because I know life is already full of too many surprises! A custom chimney cap Denton will prevent animals from getting inside your house, keep any threat of moisture and dampness out, and most importantly, that custom chimney cap can protect our Denton roofs from burning embers that might lead to a dangerous house fire.
How we keep the animals away!

When climates start to cool down a bit in Denton, the animals walking along your roof will feel the warmth around the chimney from the fire below. This is why they choose to make nests close to and inside of the chimney flue., they just can’t resist. Pretty soon, Denton’s got a full on squirrels in the chimney problem. It doesn’t take long for an unwelcome family of critters to move into your chimney. I just recently learned that squirrels can create a 4 foot deep nest in less than 24 hours! Getting a custom chimney cap installed (with mesh siding) can prevent these tricky and stubborn critters from taking up a winter vacation right in Denton, in your very own chimney.
Why not having a custom chimney cap can be a fire hazard!
When a chimney is working properly gases and smoke from your fireplace will usually exit through the chimney. But when a family of birds or squirrels decides to take up residency and nests in your chimney, it blocks the flow and pathway of that smoke from the fire. When an animal is nesting there, there will be a back up of the gas, smoke and soot and it could flow right back into your Denton home. Not only can this cause a smoky room, but it can cause carbon monoxide poisoning. These are all reasons why getting a custom chimney cap would be a wise choice.
Our chimney caps will keep unwanted moisture out!
Rain, snow and other moisture can pose problems to your chimney and home. Moisture deteriorates the structure and integrity of your chimney. Shifts in temperature between hot and cold can cause cracking and structural damage to your chimney. Looking into getting a free estimate for one of our Chimney caps can keep these worries away – a custom chimney cap prevents against the water damage that you would otherwise be exposing your chimney too without having a chimney cap.
We are all looking forward to having a safe and happy holiday season, which is just around the corner. Looking into getting your chimney all set for the winter with one of our custom chimney caps is a great way to start the season off right.