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Masters Services does Raccoon Removal Houston

Raccoon Removal from Attic

A raccoon may look like an adorable stuffed plaything, but a raccoon can be a world of woe to anyone who gets near him. If you’ve got a raccoon living too close for comfort, call Masters Services. We will come to your location and trap that rascal in a gentle and humane manner.

Call in the Raccoon Removal Houston Experts Residents Trust

You probably wouldn’t consider raccoons to be so adorable, if you ever actually tangled with one. Any wild beast is apt to become aggressive when cornered and frightened. A raccoon is quite likely to do so. Sure, a raccoon presents an outward appearance of cuteness, in reality a cornered raccoon will make every effort to tear you to pieces. Instead of trying to catch that coon by yourself, call us for humane raccoon removal Houston. We’ll gently trap the little fellow and take him somewhere else to live. We are quite fond of wild animals. We also know that you may not be so fond, especially when a raccoon, armadillo, squirrel or other critter is burrowing in your garden, hiding under your house or raising a family in your attic. Our gentle and humane raccoon removal Houston service will allow both you and your unwanted invader to go on living your lives in peace.

Of course, raccoon removal Houston is not the only thing we do. Masters Services is a full service chimney sweeping, repair and chimney maintenance outfit. Don’t try to deal with chimney problems on your own. You will only make a ghastly mess and frustrate yourself. We have the experience and the tools to do the job right the first time. Save our number into your phone and use it any time you require our services. Call for raccoon removal Houston when you need it and for a good chimney cleaning at the start of every fireplace season.

The Dangers of removing Raccoons in Houston

Some people try to do the raccoon in the attic Houston on their own, and they usually end up making a big mistake that in the end costs them more time and money than they would have been spending if they would have just called a professional in the first place. For example, some people spot an entry/exit point that a coon is using, and once they see the coon leave, they will seal off the hole and they think they’ve successfully completed the raccoon in the attic Dallas. Often times, they don’t realize that there are baby coons still in their home, and now they’ve separated them from their mother. One of two things will happen in this situation. The first possibility is that the mother will rip the hole open again and perhaps cause more damage than she did initially to get to the pups. The other thing that could happen is the baby coons will be stuck in your house, and eventually they will die.

Call In The Experts

Masters Services

6008 Darlinghurst

Phone: 713-723-4854

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