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Gear Up for Winter with Custom Chimney Caps Kingwood

Gear Up for Winter with Custom Chimney Caps Kingwood

Call Masters Services at (713) 723-4854 and ask about custom chimney caps Kingwood today.

Have you thought about your chimney lately? Due to the blazing hot Texas heat, you probably haven’t. Although if you think about it, this is really the prime time to get your chimney serviced because you aren’t using it, and you are going to need to prepare it for the upcoming winter season at some point. That’s right: winter will be here before you know it, and when that first chilly night comes around, you’ll definitely want to have everything in working order so that you can safely and comfortably use your chimney. To make the proper preparations, you can rely on Masters Services to help you get everything done. We will take care of everything that has to do with your chimney, from inspections to cleanings to custom chimney caps Kingwood. We have been in business for over sixteen years and we are fully prepared and more than happy to help you with all of your chimney needs.


Where do you start?

Now the first thing that you should do when preparing your chimney for the winter is get an inspection. You should get an inspection at least once a year to ensure the utmost safety and functionality of your chimney. Some people think that you only need to get an inspection when something goes wrong with your chimney, and some people do not even realize that an inspection is necessary at all. The truth is, when you’re lighting a fire in your home, your safety is on the line. Getting an inspection is a vital part of protecting the safety of yourself and your family. As a homeowner, you should just go ahead and get the inspection annually. It doesn’t take that long and the cost of an inspection is built into the price of a cleaning with Masters Services. There’s really no reason not to get one. Now as far as a cleaning goes, you don’t necessarily need to do this once a year. As a general rule, we recommend that people have their chimneys cleaned once for every cord of wood they burn. If you are not sure if you need a cleaning or not, the technician who performs your inspection will be able to tell you.

While you’re getting an inspection and/or sweep, you should also think about getting custom chimney caps Kingwood. Think about your chimney now: is there full coverage at the top? If you don’t have custom chimney caps Kingwood, your chimney is susceptible to water damage, sun damage, and critter invasion. Custom chimney caps Kingwood will prevent all of these things. Plus, custom caps add a beautiful decorative flare to your home. We will build any custom chimney cap that you can think up.

Call Masters Services at (713) 723-4854 for information on custom chimney caps Kingwood today.

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