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Gear Up for Winter with Custom Chimney Caps McKinney

Gear Up for Winter with Custom Chimney Caps McKinney

Call Masters Services at (972) 877-4650 and ask about custom chimney caps McKinney today.


It’s that time of year again: kids are going back to school, water parks are closing, and the summer is slowly slipping away from us. With all of the hustle and bustle of the upcoming season, staying on top of home repairs and maintenance can sometimes be a challenge. And to top it off, we’re still battling with the sweltering hot Texas heat, so most people simply are not thinking of their chimneys. However, this is actually the most ideal time to get your chimney serviced because you are not using it and by the time winter rolls around you’ll be all ready to go. Avoid the last minute scramble that you may encounter if you wait any longer to address issues that pertain to your chimney. Call Masters Services so that we can set you up with a chimney inspection, a cleaning, custom chimney caps McKinney, and any repairs that must be done.

A good bit of people are calling in right now to get their chimney all geared up for the winter. Many people aren’t exactly sure what needs to be done to fully carry out these preparations. Staying informed as a homeowner is an extremely crucial part of being able to properly maintain the different components of your home. Let’s look at a couple of common questions that people have when it comes to their chimney.

Q: Is there anything that must be done to my chimney before I light the first fire?

A: You should definitely get an inspection on your chimney before you light the first fire, if you have not already had an inspection this year. You should get an inspection annually to ensure the proper safety and functionality of your chimney. You may also need to have your chimney cleaned when you get an inspection.

Q: Is there any way to guarantee that critters won’t enter my chimney?

A: Yes. If you have custom chimney caps McKinney from Masters Services, they will fully prevent animals of any sort from entering your home.

Q: What else are custom chimney caps good for?

A: Custom chimney caps McKinney have several important functions, besides keeping critters out of your chimney. Custom chimney caps McKinney protect the first layer of brick and the mortar of your chimney from water and sun damage. They also prevent water from leaking into your roof and possibly introducing mold to your home. Plus, custom chimney caps McKinney can add a beautiful decorative flare to your home!

Call Masters Services at (972) 877-4650 for more information on custom chimney caps McKinney today.

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